The Spamhaus Project


What benefits does creating an account provide?

If you are going to make regular contributions, we recommend you create an account, which takes minutes (if that). Having account-based access provides you with a number of benefits...

by The Spamhaus TeamAugust 09, 20231 minutes reading time

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No email verification is required every time you make a submission.

No email verification is required every time you make a submission.

Guest submissions require the contributor to verify their email address for each entry they make. However, account users can quickly authenticate and make as many submissions as they want without further verification.

Track how many submissions you have made

The account dashboard provides an overview of the number of submissions you have made since creating an account, including submissions made via the API.

Check how many submissions are included in our datasets

The dashboard displays the number of submissions you have made that are included in our datasets. This information is updated every two hours.

Access a submission API

Suppose you would like to make multiple submissions or automate submissions. In that case, you can utilize our API, available in easy-to-use JSON format.

To benefit from this functionality, users will require basic coding skills.

Submission history

A list of all user contributions, including timestamp, type, detail, and status.

If you want to create an account, click here and connect your chosen application.